DIN formats
Here you will find selected and favourite standard articles from our product range sorted according to the well-known, classic DIN A and DIN B formats:
DIN A0 - 841 x 1189 mm
DIN A1 - 594 x 841 mm
DIN A2 - 420 x 594 mm
DIN A3 - 297 x 420 mm
DIN A4 - 210 x 297 mm
DIN A5 - 148 x 210 mm
DIN A6 - 105 x 148 mm
DIN A7 - 74 x 105 mm
DIN A8 - 52 x 74 mm
DIN A9 - 37 x 52 mm
DIN A10 - 26 x 37 mm
And this is how it works ...
Measure the width and length of your flyer, brochure or catalogue in millimetres (1 cm = 10 mm) and select the desired DIN format using the dimensions given here. Please remember that the dimensions given here represent the exact DIN specifications of the German Industry Standard. Of course, most items are dimensioned in such a way that even small oversizes have room in the display you have selected.
We stronglyrecommend that you check the graphic preparation of printed advertising in good time and in advance with regard to the given presentation possibilities at the desired location, because what is the point of a pretty flyer with 333 x 333 mm or an ingeniously designed poster with 999 x 999 mm if you cannot find a suitable advertising display later on to present your design work of art to the public, interested parties and customers? Avoid time-consuming and costly custom designs by designing and printing your printed advertising in the classic DIN formats. Your local printer will be happy to provide you with further information regarding the selection of suitable advertising media.
Sales counters and shop counters at the POS are nowadays equipped in square metres according to turnover and profitability, therefore most items from our product range are in portrait formats, as these can be presented in a much more space-saving way than landscape formats at the point of sale, your sales floor. DIN formats - blessing or curse? In any case, today's paper formats are a challenge for all of us, because the "Deutsche Industrie Norm", or "DIN" for short, also has a firm place in the world of advertising media. How else could print technicians and acrylic glass processors communicate if this paper size standard had not existed for almost 100 years. The preferred formats are the DIN long DL 1/3 A4 flyer format, the DIN A5 portrait format and the DIN A4 format. However, there is a suitable format for every conceivable print. And if that's not enough for you, there's also the DIN B, C and D standard, but ... more on that shortly in our company blog.
VITAdisplays® offers you a suitable landscape format for almost every DIN portrait format. The respective opening dimensions (inside dimensions) of our articles are listed on the product detail pages of the selected advertising displays. We will be happy to answer your questions about the DIN format, other dimensions and special formats.
DIN A0 - 841 x 1189 mm
DIN A1 - 594 x 841 mm
DIN A2 - 420 x 594 mm
DIN A3 - 297 x 420 mm
DIN A4 - 210 x 297 mm
DIN A5 - 148 x 210 mm
DIN A6 - 105 x 148 mm
DIN A7 - 74 x 105 mm
DIN A8 - 52 x 74 mm
DIN A9 - 37 x 52 mm
DIN A10 - 26 x 37 mm
And this is how it works ...
Measure the width and length of your flyer, brochure or catalogue in millimetres (1 cm = 10 mm) and select the desired DIN format using the dimensions given here. Please remember that the dimensions given here represent the exact DIN specifications of the German Industry Standard. Of course, most items are dimensioned in such a way that even small oversizes have room in the display you have selected.
We stronglyrecommend that you check the graphic preparation of printed advertising in good time and in advance with regard to the given presentation possibilities at the desired location, because what is the point of a pretty flyer with 333 x 333 mm or an ingeniously designed poster with 999 x 999 mm if you cannot find a suitable advertising display later on to present your design work of art to the public, interested parties and customers? Avoid time-consuming and costly custom designs by designing and printing your printed advertising in the classic DIN formats. Your local printer will be happy to provide you with further information regarding the selection of suitable advertising media.
Sales counters and shop counters at the POS are nowadays equipped in square metres according to turnover and profitability, therefore most items from our product range are in portrait formats, as these can be presented in a much more space-saving way than landscape formats at the point of sale, your sales floor. DIN formats - blessing or curse? In any case, today's paper formats are a challenge for all of us, because the "Deutsche Industrie Norm", or "DIN" for short, also has a firm place in the world of advertising media. How else could print technicians and acrylic glass processors communicate if this paper size standard had not existed for almost 100 years. The preferred formats are the DIN long DL 1/3 A4 flyer format, the DIN A5 portrait format and the DIN A4 format. However, there is a suitable format for every conceivable print. And if that's not enough for you, there's also the DIN B, C and D standard, but ... more on that shortly in our company blog.
VITAdisplays® offers you a suitable landscape format for almost every DIN portrait format. The respective opening dimensions (inside dimensions) of our articles are listed on the product detail pages of the selected advertising displays. We will be happy to answer your questions about the DIN format, other dimensions and special formats.